We have become aware of recent Email Phishing attempts to our members in the form of a fraudulent Registrant Attendee list. Do not click on links, respond to emails or attempt to purchase any conference-related items from email addresses not from a @bcgwa.org email address. Click here for more info

Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence and Friendship


British Columbia
Ground Water Association

Welcome to the home of the BC Ground Water Association!

This is your one stop shop for everything groundwater related in BC. Looking for a directory of qualified service providers in your area or information on becoming a certified contractor? We've got you covered. Want to learn more about groundwater and groundwater laws in BC? It's all here. Still have a question? Feel free to contact us.

Looking for a qualified service provider in your area? Our member directory is a comprehensive list of reputable service providers in the groundwater industry in BC.

View Directory

All drillers and pump installers must be certified by the ITA and registered with the government to legally operate in the province. Learn everything you need to know here.

View Certification Details

Have general questions about groundwater? Looking for specific information about the laws related to groundwater in BC? Find it all here.

View Government and Industry Links

Networking events and educational opportunities that are pertinent to industry practitioners.

View Events

View a recent edition of “Groundwater Matters,” distributed to Members quarterly.

View Newsletter

Are you a business or government agency working in the groundwater industry? Or an individual affiliated with the industry? Then a BCGWA membership is for you!